I made one of the hardest decisions of my life tonight. It was the right decision, but it was still hard. Because I made this decision I was unable to have dinner with several people, including one of the best people I know....a friend that I love and admire and don't get to see very often. But I did the right thing. After a very hard few months, months in which I have been an "it's all about me" person, I looked at what I truly believe and I made the right decision. The people that were the reason for my decision may never know about the decision made. And that is OK with me. If they ask, I will tell them. But I won't offer it up to them. I believe I looked at the whole scenario, thought about what Jesus would do and did what I believe He told me to do. And if I do that, what else matters? My friend and I will be able to have dinner again soon.....May is just around the corner!
And I can go to bed tonight knowing I did the right thing. And I will able to look my friends in the eyes, the ones I supported tonight. I lived up to what I said I would do. And I can thank Jesus that He is my Savior, my Salvation, my reason for doing the right thing.
God bless you all!